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Less noise. More miles and smiles.




Safety and efficiency for professionals.

The Barum Vanis 3 van tyre offers a practical solution for every professional who expects balanced performance during the season. Our Vanis 3 has been developed to ensure good mileage performance with a high level of safety and a pleasant driving experience.

  • Enhanced mileage – long lasting tyre performance
  • Comfort – low noise generation
  • High safety – perfect safety especially on dry roads

Which tyre is right for your car?

Select your tyre size

Expert's Advice

The tyre guide to a more efficient driving experience

Changing tyres yourself

You should change your tyres twice a year. Follow our instructions and same time and money by doing it yourself

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Car in snow

Minimum tyre tread depth for summer tyres

 The prerequisite for perfect driving pleasure in sunshine is suitable summer tyres with at least the minimum permitted tread depth.

Read it now

Minimum Tread Depth Summer Tyres

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